13 research outputs found

    Efficient enumeration of maximal split subgraphs and sub-cographs and related classes

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    In this paper, we are interested in algorithms that take in input an arbitrary graph GG, and that enumerate in output all the (inclusion-wise) maximal "subgraphs" of GG which fulfil a given property Π\Pi. All over this paper, we study several different properties Π\Pi, and the notion of subgraph under consideration (induced or not) will vary from a result to another. More precisely, we present efficient algorithms to list all maximal split subgraphs, sub-cographs and some subclasses of cographs of a given input graph. All the algorithms presented here run in polynomial delay, and moreover for split graphs it only requires polynomial space. In order to develop an algorithm for maximal split (edge-)subgraphs, we establish a bijection between the maximal split subgraphs and the maximal independent sets of an auxiliary graph. For cographs and some subclasses , the algorithms rely on a framework recently introduced by Conte & Uno called Proximity Search. Finally we consider the extension problem, which consists in deciding if there exists a maximal induced subgraph satisfying a property Π\Pi that contains a set of prescribed vertices and that avoids another set of vertices. We show that this problem is NP-complete for every "interesting" hereditary property Π\Pi. We extend the hardness result to some specific edge version of the extension problem

    Polynomial Delay Algorithm for Minimal Chordal Completions

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    Motivated by the problem of enumerating all tree decompositions of a graph, we consider in this article the problem of listing all the minimal chordal completions of a graph. In [Carmeli et al., 2020] (Pods 2017) Carmeli et al. proved that all minimal chordal completions or equivalently all proper tree decompositions of a graph can be listed in incremental polynomial time using exponential space. The total running time of their algorithm is quadratic in the number of solutions and the existence of an algorithm whose complexity depends only linearly on the number of solutions remained open. We close this question by providing a polynomial delay algorithm to solve this problem which, moreover, uses polynomial space. Our algorithm relies on Proximity Search, a framework recently introduced by Conte and Uno [Conte and Uno, 2019] (Stoc 2019) which has been shown powerful to obtain polynomial delay algorithms, but generally requires exponential space. In order to obtain a polynomial space algorithm for our problem, we introduce a new general method called canonical path reconstruction to design polynomial delay and polynomial space algorithms based on proximity search

    Polynomial Delay Algorithm for Minimal Chordal Completions

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    Motivated by the problem of enumerating all tree decompositions of a graph, we consider in this article the problem of listing all the minimal chordal completions of a graph. In [Carmeli et al., 2020] (Pods 2017) Carmeli et al. proved that all minimal chordal completions or equivalently all proper tree decompositions of a graph can be listed in incremental polynomial time using exponential space. The total running time of their algorithm is quadratic in the number of solutions and the existence of an algorithm whose complexity depends only linearly on the number of solutions remained open. We close this question by providing a polynomial delay algorithm to solve this problem which, moreover, uses polynomial space. Our algorithm relies on Proximity Search, a framework recently introduced by Conte and Uno [Conte and Uno, 2019] (Stoc 2019) which has been shown powerful to obtain polynomial delay algorithms, but generally requires exponential space. In order to obtain a polynomial space algorithm for our problem, we introduce a new general method called canonical path reconstruction to design polynomial delay and polynomial space algorithms based on proximity search

    Locating Dominating Sets in local tournaments

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    A dominating set in a directed graph is a set of vertices SS such that all the vertices that do not belong to SS have an in-neighbour in SS. A locating set SS is a set of vertices such that all the vertices that do not belong to SS are characterized uniquely by the in-neighbours they have in SS, i.e. for every two vertices uu and vv that are not in SS, there exists a vertex sSs\in S that dominates exactly one of them. The size of a smallest set of a directed graph DD which is both locating and dominating is denoted by γLD(D)\gamma^{LD}(D). Foucaud, Heydarshahi and Parreau proved that any twin-free digraph DD satisfies γLD(D)4n5+1\gamma^{LD}(D)\leq \frac{4n} 5 +1 but conjectured that this bound can be lowered to 2n3\frac{2n} 3. The conjecture is still open. They also proved that if DD is a tournament, i.e. a directed graph where there is one arc between every pair of vertices, then γLD(D)n2\gamma^{LD}(D)\leq \lceil \frac{n}{2}\rceil. The main result of this paper is the generalization of this bound to connected local tournaments, i.e. connected digraphs where the in- and out-neighbourhoods of every vertex induce a tournament. We also prove γLD(D)2n3\gamma^{LD}(D)\leq \frac{2n} 3 for all quasi-twin-free digraphs DD that admit a supervising vertex (a vertex from which any vertex is reachable). This class of digraphs generalizes twin-free acyclic graphs, the most general class for which this bound was known

    On the hardness of inclusion-wise minimal separators enumeration

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    11 pages, 3 figuresEnumeration problems are often encountered as key subroutines in the exact computation of graph parameters such as chromatic number, treewidth, or treedepth. In the case of treedepth computation, the enumeration of inclusion-wise minimal separators plays a crucial role. However and quite surprisingly, the complexity status of this problem has not been settled since it has been posed as an open direction by Kloks and Kratsch in 1998. Recently at the PACE 2020 competition dedicated to treedepth computation, solvers have been circumventing that by listing all minimal aa-bb separators and filtering out those that are not inclusion-wise minimal, at the cost of efficiency. Naturally, having an efficient algorithm for listing inclusion-wise minimal separators would drastically improve such practical algorithms. In this note, however, we show that no efficient algorithm is to be expected from an output-sensitive perspective, namely, we prove that there is no output-polynomial time algorithm for inclusion-wise minimal separators enumeration unless P = NP

    On the hardness of inclusion-wise minimal separators enumeration

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    11 pages, 3 figuresEnumeration problems are often encountered as key subroutines in the exact computation of graph parameters such as chromatic number, treewidth, or treedepth. In the case of treedepth computation, the enumeration of inclusion-wise minimal separators plays a crucial role. However and quite surprisingly, the complexity status of this problem has not been settled since it has been posed as an open direction by Kloks and Kratsch in 1998. Recently at the PACE 2020 competition dedicated to treedepth computation, solvers have been circumventing that by listing all minimal aa-bb separators and filtering out those that are not inclusion-wise minimal, at the cost of efficiency. Naturally, having an efficient algorithm for listing inclusion-wise minimal separators would drastically improve such practical algorithms. In this note, however, we show that no efficient algorithm is to be expected from an output-sensitive perspective, namely, we prove that there is no output-polynomial time algorithm for inclusion-wise minimal separators enumeration unless P = NP

    Connected greedy colourings of perfect graphs and other classes: the good, the bad and the ugly

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    8 pages, 3 figuresThe Grundy number of a graph is the maximum number of colours used by the ``First-Fit'' greedy colouring algorithm over all vertex orderings. Given a vertex ordering σ=v1,,vn\sigma= v_1,\dots,v_n, the ``First-Fit'' greedy colouring algorithm colours the vertices in the order of σ\sigma by assigning to each vertex the smallest colour unused in its neighbourhood. By restricting this procedure to vertex orderings that are connected, we obtain {\em connected greedy colourings}. For some graphs, all connected greedy colourings use exactly χ(G)\chi(G) colours; they are called {\em good graphs}. On the opposite, some graphs do not admit any connected greedy colouring using only χ(G)\chi(G) colours; they are called {\em ugly graphs}. We show that no perfect graph is ugly. We also give simple proofs of this fact for subclasses of perfect graphs (block graphs, comparability graphs), and show that no K4K_4-minor free graph is ugly

    Connected greedy colourings of perfect graphs and other classes: the good, the bad and the ugly

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    8 pages, 3 figuresThe Grundy number of a graph is the maximum number of colours used by the ``First-Fit'' greedy colouring algorithm over all vertex orderings. Given a vertex ordering σ=v1,,vn\sigma= v_1,\dots,v_n, the ``First-Fit'' greedy colouring algorithm colours the vertices in the order of σ\sigma by assigning to each vertex the smallest colour unused in its neighbourhood. By restricting this procedure to vertex orderings that are connected, we obtain {\em connected greedy colourings}. For some graphs, all connected greedy colourings use exactly χ(G)\chi(G) colours; they are called {\em good graphs}. On the opposite, some graphs do not admit any connected greedy colouring using only χ(G)\chi(G) colours; they are called {\em ugly graphs}. We show that no perfect graph is ugly. We also give simple proofs of this fact for subclasses of perfect graphs (block graphs, comparability graphs), and show that no K4K_4-minor free graph is ugly